The Top Dangers Of Using Psychedelics

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[Music] let's talk about the dangers of psychedelics as you probably already know i'm a huge advocate for psychedelics using them for personal development and for spiritual development to raise your consciousness and i've been very positive in the past i've i've released trip report videos and i've discussed various benefits and insights that i've received from psychedelics and i've also talked about some of the dangers in the past but i wanted to record an episode specifically addressing all the dangers because sometimes i get the sense that people misunderstand me and i do very much care about how psychedelics are misused and abused by people and there are a lot of immature people who go into psychedelics who don't do their research and don't think through some of the stuff that could potentially occur when you're using psychedelics so for that reason and precisely because i'm such a huge advocate of them and i tend to speak so positively about them i wanted to do one episode that just focuses exclusively on the negatives and the dangers so this is going to be a lopsided episode and if all you hear about psychedelics is this episode you're going to get a skewed perspective because i'm not going to be talking about any of the good stuff none of the benefits just the bad stuff here all right and and various kinds of precautions that you should be taking so this is to sober your mind this is the information you need if you're going to be tripping seriously and uh i have a lot of insight about the dangers and the risks for several reasons first of all because i've done a lot of psychedelics myself i've done over 100 trips at various dosages from low to very high and i've done everything some of the most powerful psychedelics that there are i've done mushrooms lsd i've done dpt dmt 5meodmt foraco dmt other research chemicals that most people don't even know about new research chemicals that nobody knows about that i'll be introducing and sharing in the future salvia like i've done some crazy stuff um there's still there's still some that i haven't done that i'll maybe do in the future but anyways uh so i'm coming from direct experience here i have a lot of experience with this i've had a few bad trips myself uh i've i've studied this field a lot theoretically as well i've read a lot of trip reports i've interacted with a lot of people who have done psychedelics i've watched people take psychedelics i've seen the kinds of reactions that can happen i've dealt with the followers of mine who report having done psychedelics and then report various kinds of problems that arise for them and so that's where i'm coming from so here's a list this is going to be a very comprehensive list like of 20 or 30 things that are the top dangers this is pretty much all the dangers that there are that i can think of at least so first and foremost is overdosing that's at the top of the list now with overdosing there's really two issues here there's a mild version of it and then the extreme version of it the extreme version of it is literally you take so much that you kill yourself that's pretty difficult to do with most psychedelics almost impossible with something like mushrooms or lsd you need to take a ridiculously large amount um although there are certain research chemicals and other psychedelics that you could take where you could kill yourself like with mdma the lethal dose for mdma is actually not that high so it's conceivable so that is a serious danger you want to understand what the dosages are and what the lethal dosages are and stay far away from those so there's that the the more common though version of overdosing is simply taking a dose that's too high and this i think is perhaps one of the most common single most common problems with psychedelics is that you just take a dose that's too high and the reason this happens is because people are sloppy they're not carefully weighing their dosages with a milligram scale the way they should be they're just popping stuff hoping that they got the right dose this is extremely reckless and will lead to to dangerous situations uh when your dose gets too high you're unable to navigate you might lose bodily function you might pass out you might lose consciousness and then depending on where you are physically that could potentially lead to a lethal situation or a very dangerous situation you might physically harm yourself fall over crack your skull open this sorts of stuff or you just might become seriously disoriented for a few hours leading to all sorts of psychological problems an existential crisis or something like that and i think the reason this happens is that people are just too cocky and they overestimate how much they can handle and they underestimate how powerful psychedelics are there is i guarantee you that there is not a there is not a dose of psychedelic at which you will be able to handle it there's always going to be some dose at which you won't be able to handle it and it will freak you out and it will be a net negative for your development personally and spiritually so the solution to this is very simple stay within the low to moderate dose range there's no need to go to the crazy high doses i think another big problem here is that people get kind of egotistical about this whole thing and they want to outdo themselves by doing more and more and more thinking that the more they do the the more they're going to deconstruct their ego the closer they're going to reach to enlightenment or you know they're going to have some sort of bragging rights on online forums like oh i did 500 or a thousand micrograms of lsd look how you know look how great i am and uh in practice this is going to actually set you back and you're going to regret it and nothing is nothing is gained by this sort of game that there's nobody that you need to one-up with your dose uh not anyone else and certainly not even yourself it's not about getting to high doses it's about becoming more conscious and you can actually become more conscious of stuff at moderate doses sometimes than at high doses because at high doses it's just too crazy and your mind is not able to integrate and make sense of it what really matters is making sense of it and letting it transform your everyday life not reaching such a crazy peak that is so crazy that you can't even hold it in your memory afterwards so just keep it in the moderate to low dose range check your ego the next danger is simply physical harm all sorts of physical harm of course is possible especially if you're taking high doses where you become disoriented you lose control of your body or simply you're using your body in a reckless manner you might hit your arms your legs you might trip you might fall over depending on where you are if you're especially in some sort of outdoors environment in a crowded environment like a rave setting or a nightclub setting these can be quite dangerous if you're not careful at night you're not looking where you're going um so you want to be doing these psychedelics generally in a indoor environment where it's safe there's no balconies no ledges no sharp corners where you can crack your skull open this sort of stuff and another way to prevent this kind of physical harm is simply to actually discipline yourself to sit still when you're tripping i've read a lot of trip reports where people are running around jumping around flailing their arms running naked through the streets outside this is where you will physically harm yourself so just discipline yourself to sit still sit still and contemplate and then you're gonna avoid the physical harm don't be doing psychedelics on rooftops on balconies with high ledges places where you can trip over fall down common sense stuff another related danger with the physical harm is is vomiting so people commonly vomit on psychedelics although i've done 100 trips plus and i've never vomited once so it really is a matter of of being careful with your protocol you don't have to be vomiting but a lot of people do because they're not careful they do psychedelics after eating which is mostly why you vomit and uh and then if you're gonna be taking a high dose you might pass out if you're vomiting and passing out at the same time this potentially creates a lethal situation so again be careful a very easy way to avoid vomiting on psychedelics is simply to follow the following rule which is don't take psychedelics within four hours of eating anything that's my rule that's the rule that i follow that means that i will not take a psychedelic unless i haven't eaten for four hours this ensures i have an empty stomach and then there's nothing to vomit even if you feel like vomiting you're not going to have anything to vomit at that point so it's very easy to avoid vomiting the next danger is bad trips the classic bad trip now there's different degrees of bad trips there's bad trips and there's really really really bad trips those are the ones you especially want to avoid most people have no idea how bad of a bad trip can get because people totally underestimate the power of consciousness see consciousness is all-powerful and it's infinite consciousness is rendering your entire sense of reality and everything you've ever seen or known and consciousness can literally imagine conjure up and manifest anything that you can possibly imagine and even things you can't imagine the worst nightmares can come to life on psychedelics think of the worst nightmare you've ever had in your life and then imagine it being manifest as real or even more real than this physical reality that you're in right now and imagine that lasting for two three five hours and in fact it's even worse than that because when you're in these psychedelic peaks there's no notion of time so some of these horrific trips can seem like they last for for eternity literally eternity so imagine being stuck in the worst possible hellish nightmare you can imagine where you're being tortured and devils are coming at you and all sorts of crazy things you're in total madness and it seems like you're stuck there for eternity and it seems like you'll never return that's another aspect of these bad trips is that it's not like you're having a bad trip and then you can just kind of convince yourself that oh well okay everything's gonna be fine i'll be back to normal in a few hours sometimes you can reassure yourself that way but if you're in a really really bad trip that there won't be that reassurance because you're going to actually believe that you are fully in that new reality you're going to completely lose memory of even having an old reality to come back to or an old life you're going to forget all about material existence you're going to be in that new reality it's going to be a hellish reality you're going to have no control over it your ego is not going to be able to manipulate it you're going to be stuck in thought loops that you won't be able to control and it's just going to be this downward infinite spiral into hell that is possible beware of that and the way you avoid that is lower your doses those kind of super bad trips usually happen when you dose too high and also you need to ground yourself and be sort of psychologically healthy so that you don't have a paranoid mind the more paranoid your mind is the more likely you are to go into these negative thought spirals and uh and then lose control and go into these states of madness so that's certainly possible be careful with that especially if you have a a mind that tends to be depressive and negative and you're not able to to control your thoughts very well you're not able to cut off negative thoughts and you tend to dwell on those be careful because that will get you into bad trip territory then your doses need to be very low the next danger with psychedelics is simply facing fear and trauma most people get involved with psychedelics are fairly immature and also tend to have quite a bit of trauma in their life from their childhood and adolescence and they also tend to be fairly fearful and so what psychedelics of course will do is they will deconstruct your mind and your reality they will screw with your sense of what you think is real and unreal they will get you to confront traumas shadow sides of yourself the sides and aspects of your psyche that you've been repressing and hiding and so if you have a lot of that shadow material if you have a lot of trauma you've been repressing it's going to come out psychedelics will force that to come out now that's not a bad thing that's actually a good thing the psychedelic is doing this because this is actually necessary for your personal and spiritual growth but that doesn't mean it's going to feel good and it also doesn't mean that your ego is going to be prepared to handle it maybe it will maybe it won't really it depends on how much is brought up how quickly this is why if you keep your doses low to moderate you can gradually start facing some of your fears and traumas in a way that you can handle but if you just jack up the dose without gradually ramping yourself up it's going to be more than you can handle and this is going to set you back this is one of the counterintuitive aspects of doing this psychedelic work is that you think that like well i'm going to push my dose higher and higher and higher because you know the more i can do the better right well not necessarily think about it like going to the gym if you just go to the gym and you haven't ever gone and then the fur on the first day you think you can bench press or squat 200 300 pounds like you see other people doing because you think oh well i should be as good as them i don't want to look like a or something and and so you try to squat or bench to 300 pounds on your first go what are you going to do you're going to hurt yourself you're going to sprain a muscle you're going to break something and this is actually going to force you to stay out of the gym for the next few months you might even damage your spine to such a degree that you'll have a spinal injury for the next 10 years of your life with chronic pain and counterintuitively this will actually slow your progress at the gym so the proper approach of the gym is to go slow and steady and gradually build yourself up over a period of months and years to get to those very high weights that's how people get there well with psychedelics it's the same thing and one of the biggest problems i see is that people take one of those heroic doses because they want to prove their machoness or whatever uh they're not able to handle it they freak themselves out too much fear too much trauma comes up this scares them from ever doing psychedelics again or it requires that they take a couple of years off just to reground themselves and in so doing they actually slow their progress psychedelics are just like the gym it does very little good to go to the gym once and to lift a very heavy weight once it doesn't really change you it doesn't grow you what works is to do a little bit consistently over months and years that's what really benefits you same thing with psychedelics but as you're doing that you want to make sure that you don't freak yourself out so much that you get ptsd anxiety nightmares depression you fall into some sort of solipsism or have some sort of profound spiritual or existential crisis that prevents you from doing the personal development work and the consciousness work that you should be doing on a regular basis the next danger with psychedelics is the potential for psychological instability ungrounding of the mind deconstruction of the mind nihilism a loss of sense of reality a loss of your illusions and depersonalization all of these can happen some of these can be good but again it's really a matter of degree if it happens to you a little bit each time you can handle it but if you get too much of it all at once you're not going to be able to handle it and your life can spiral out of control you can literally have a psychotic break you can have an existential crisis that will lead you to make rash decisions in your life that will harm you and that you will later regret you can lose sense of what's real you can feel like you're losing your mind you can feel like you're going insane you can end up in a mental institution i know several people to whom that's happened and you don't want that you can go into this spiral of depression or nihilism where you feel like nothing matters anymore your life doesn't matter you lose joy for life you lose all sense of meaning and then this can cascade throughout your entire life into your family into your career and other things and lead to a lot of destruction so you do have to be very careful about that we're trying to deconstruct the mind in general that's a good thing but it does matter the rate at which you do it you have to deconstruct your mind in a way where it doesn't become dysfunctional where your mind doesn't spiral out of control into some sort of craziness so watch out for that another danger is simply confusion psychedelics can make you very confused about reality and life and what's really going on and this confusion can just be emotionally stressful and difficult to cope with and it can last for months or years depending on how much tripping you're doing and what kind of confusion you have now in general confusion's not a bad thing confusion factor is a good thing i have a whole episode called how to deal with confusion so confusion's not bad per se as long as it doesn't make you do stupid and rash things in your life the next danger is mental illness some of you who are going to be doing these psychedelics have mental illnesses bipolar disorder schizophrenic tendencies and or depression or ptsd or anxiety or whatever you got you got to be careful with the mental illnesses because the psychedelics can exacerbate those they can crank those up to 11. and um and then what's going to happen is that then you're going to end up probably at a mental institution where they're going to over medicate you and those medications are going to further throw off the balance of your body and your mind and it's not going to lead to a good situation you're going to get addicted to those medications then it's going to take you months and years to wean yourself off those medications so if you have a mental illness depending on what kind you have of course there's a lot of variety there lots of difference in degrees if you have a mild one you can still take psychedelics and effects like alex can actually help with mental illness but you have to be extra extra careful and you have to keep your doses low moderate don't go into the high doses and if you have some severe mental illnesses then perhaps stay away from psychedelics altogether if you do have a mental illness i recommend you research very deeply your mental illness and then reports from people with that mental illness who have been taking psychedelics and just to see what those reports are like how those people have been handling it and you can learn from their experiences whether it's help them or it's actually hurt them so you can find all those reports online so let's say you have bipolar disorder you can go into google and type in something like bipolar disorder and then whatever psychedelic you're gonna plan to take like lsd you type that phrase into google and then you will get reports of people with bipolar disorder who have been doing lsd you can see their dosages you can see what kind of effects they've been experiencing whether it was positive or negative and you can use that to kind of get an idea of maybe what to expect but even then there's no guarantees and the more severe your mental illness is potentially the more things can go wrong so just be careful but also if you're stuck in a profound mental illness and there's no cure and you've tried everything else and nothing has helped you do consider the possibility that psychedelics can help with mental illness now it depends on what kind of illness you have what kind of psychedelic you use how you use it and so forth but you can also do research into various academic studies and programs and clinical treatments that exist around the world that actually do help with depression ptsd anxiety by using various kinds of psychedelics so that's not a myth that there's some really good science behind that and actually very soon we're going to have the first um fda approved use of psychedelics for treatment of depression ptsd and other things that's coming in the next few years and this is going to be there's going to be legit treatments that are going to be available through various kinds of clinics and licensed doctors and therapists so it's real science it works it's not just hippie mumbo jumbo the next danger is that psychedelics can interfere with your pursuit of success business career family and relationships so if you're really into self-help the way that i was especially five or ten years ago and you're in that spiro dynamic stage orange phase where you are working really hard on your business on your dating life on your family whatever it is and you're you've built up a good momentum there be careful with psychedelics because they can derail that momentum and in fact that happened to me and that was perhaps one of the biggest biggest downsides that i personally experienced from psychedelics um it's kind of both a downside and upside is that of course psychedelics take you beyond the material domain beyond material existence so they're going to make all the material stuff you do on a daily level seem very petty and trivial and meaningless this is sort of the point that's what transcendence is about you're transcending the material domain um but for a lot of people they're so immature and underdeveloped that for them transcending the material domain they're not ready for that yet maybe 10 years from now they'll be ready for that but not yet and that can be a problem because like if you're in the middle of building your business and then you start doing mushrooms you might start to rethink whether you should be doing business at all or going to work at all or whether you should be having a family at all and that might be a problem now that might also be a good thing maybe the business you're working on maybe the job and the career you have is a bad career and it's making you miserable and depressed in which case you got to think about leaving it or changing it somehow but also maybe not maybe actually your business is the right business maybe your family actually isn't a bad family maybe you've got to keep working on it maybe your family is is one of the most important aspects of your life and it's going to be a beautiful thing if you keep working on it but if you just quit because you're second guessing yourself you're gonna regret regret that later that could be a big mistake for me personally what i noticed is that when i started doing psychedelics they made me a lot less productive i was always very very productive in my life and i still am to some degree but since i started doing psychedelics i've become much less productive and that is because simply the productivity has lost its meaning you realize you're in a rat race you realize that no matter how much you work you're never going to be satisfied with your work uh whether you're an artist or a business person no matter how much money you earn it's never going to be enough it's never going to make you happy you're never going to reach a point in your business where you're fully satisfied with your business and so this undermines your motivation for your business and this can be a problem especially for example if you face financial difficulties maybe you need to work on your business just so that you can pay your bills and now is not the time for you to be questioning that on the other hand maybe if you reached a point in your business the way that i had when i started doing psychedelics where my business was fairly stable i was comfortable with my financial situation and i could afford to take sort of a back seat and coast a little bit maybe take a few years off or work half time i can afford to do that nowadays where i couldn't in the past and so in that sense i can sort of shift my priority from productivity mode more into spirituality mode more into contemplation mode more into sort of consciousness work mode into the metaphysics of life but understand there's gonna be a cost to that and i would estimate that i have lost probably at least hundreds of thousands if not millions of dollars from my decision to do psychedelics simply in productivity losses simply because i've been less motivated to be materially productive now you could say well but in the long term that's actually good for you spiritually yeah maybe but still you do have to consider the material dimension it is nice to have hundreds of thousands and millions of dollars you know and not to be losing that simply from going off into into psychedelic territory so just do keep that in mind and i don't know for example i don't have a family like a my own family with children and wife and stuff that i'm really responsible for so in that sense i didn't encounter any problems there but i'm sure i would have if i had some serious committed relationships in marriage and children and so forth and a deep family life i don't know that those psychedelics would have certainly gotten me to start questioning that stuff and i don't know what would happen there so be careful if you're someone who has a serious family life and values that uh and the next danger of psychedelics is that you can potentially use them to escape tackling the problem of survival and building a good life honestly for most people who watch my videos their problem is not a lack of enlightenment although of course none of them are enlightened but uh their problem is more basic than that their problem is simply mastering survival just being able to survive in a competent way in an excellent way for most people that's their problem in life and so if you're struggling to build a career if you're struggling to get laid if you're lonely if you're struggling to manage your emotions your anger your depression your anxiety if you're if you're dealing with these just very basic problems and then you jump deep into psychedelic territory what might happen is the psychedelics might kind of convince you that oh well i don't need to worry about any of that material stuff you know who cares about having a job who cares about cleaning the house who cares about feeding the children who cares about taking out the trash who cares about building a good life all that's all that's just illusions and dreams and instead i'm gonna i'm gonna go into the mystical realms because that's where the good stuff's at right that can be a trap a very big trap because i guarantee you no matter how high you go into the mystical realms no matter how deep of a god realization you reach or what kind of dmt alien entities you speak to and what kind of wisdom they download to you or whatever you're going to come back down into mundane material reality where you're going to have bills to pay children to feed house to clean uh a physical body to take care of and all the chores and other obligations that come with surviving in material life and that is not something you want to do poorly that is something you want to face head on and you want to start to master that stuff and a lot of the things i've talked about in the past in my older videos are about that my life purpose course is all about that so the danger is that you might start to take psychedelics and then you might say oh well yeah i bought leo's life purpose course but now i started doing psychedelics i don't even want a life purpose it's all and illusions and that would be a mistake because you're still going to have to develop some degree of success in physical material reality or if you don't you're going to live in a miserable way on the material domain is that something that you really want and how is that going to affect your spiritual pursuits probably not very well because when you're missing the foundation the material foundation of your life when that has a bunch of problems in it i guarantee you it's going to impact your spiritual pursuits as well almost guaranteed so you do want to keep one eye on the mystical domain on the psychedelic domain but you do want to keep one eye on the how do i build a good life just at a very basic practical level how do i have a decent job how do i get my bills paid and so forth so that i'm financially secure and comfortable i'm not scrambling running around i'm not homeless in other things like this another potential danger is becoming too isolated it's possible you start doing these psychedelics and you go deeper and deeper into yourself you withdraw into yourself and into your own mind and psyche and especially if you keep doing them chronically you do a lot of them this will happen more and more and more you stop talking to your friends you stop talking to your family you become very isolated and alone and then you can kind of trap yourself in this solipsistic echo chamber and then that can spiral out of control and then nobody is there to help you or to reinforce you or to kind of keep you within certain parameters and then you can become anti-social and misanthropic you can start to hate the world especially once you start to misinterpret some of these psychedelic visions that you're having so make sure that if you're doing psychedelics you also balance it out with having a some kind of social life where you're not becoming a total recluse another potential danger is making rash decisions after a profound breakthrough trip you might come back the next day and you might decide to divorce your wife leave your children quit your job tell your boss to go himself walk away from your business partners and your business go travel the world sell your house give away all your money to charity and this can really end up biting you in the ass because usually even though a psychedelic trip only lasts at most 12 hours the next day 24 hours later you're gonna be completely down from the trip the chemical will not be in your system anymore however the lingering after effects on your psyche will still remain and they usually remain for at least a few days if not for the next week especially after a deep trip and so for the rest of that week you can be having sort of thoughts that are not typically the kind of thoughts you would be having which can cause you to make these sorts of rash decisions so the best safety measure against this is to simply have a rule for yourself that after you trip you're not going to make any rash or bold decisions for the next week just to make sure that your mind comes back down all the way and you're sober you're totally stabilized and then you can make your decisions but don't make any important decisions like don't be deciding to divorce your wife or leave your kids or tell your boss to go himself three days after a profound trip you're probably not thinking straight another danger of psychedelics is that they can demotivate your meditation practice and this has happened to me uh actually before i started to do meditation i meditated i mean before i started to do psychedelics i meditated very regularly for about five years every single day without missing a single day once i started doing psychedelics i started missing days of meditation and i stopped meditating consistently and even for long periods of time because what happens is that the psychedelics take you into a realm of consciousness so high that it becomes clear to you that you will never reach these levels of consciousness through any kind of meditation practice maybe if you're a professional monk and you do it full-time it's your full-time job you do it all day long for months maybe you can reach those stages or those states of consciousness but certainly not with a one-hour a day practice and even those monks those monks i guarantee those monks have not reached levels of consciousness that i've reached through psychedelics at my highest points so um so this can be demotivating as far as meditation or yoga practice because you might think like well what's the point of meditating then especially because it's like here i have been for five years meditating my ass off every one hour every day and i still haven't been able to reach the level of conscious i can reach in 15 minutes by taking some mushrooms or lsd like what then what's the point and that that is true meditation is simply not that effective compared to psychedelics so if you compare them like that then meditation is not going to seem so appealing so in a sense it's actually easier to fool yourself to meditate when you don't know that psychedelics are possible and this is actually i think one of the secret reasons why a lot of buddhist practitioners and yoga practitioners and teachers and so forth uh they they stay away they instinctively stay away from psychedelics and they have sort of a stigma about psychedelics and one of the reasons why is because psychedelics will very quickly reveal just how pitiful traditional meditation and yoga practices are unless you do them for decades you know you gotta really do them for decades for them to build up that strength to the point where maybe they can start to compete with psychedelics but you certainly can't do it within a few years of practice and so um so this can be a problem because it creates sort of this idea that well meditation is useless yoga is useless but then if all that is useless then what do you what's the work you're going to actually do to raise your baseline level of conscious because because psychedelics are not going to raise your baseline level of consciousness that much you're going to come back down at the end of the day and so that kind of leaves you nowhere and so what i recommend is that if you do psychedelics you still maintain your meditation practice or self-inquiry practice or yoga practice you need some sort of manual daily practice that you maintain that will be raising your baseline state over a period of years and decades and then on top of that you're doing these spikes and hits with psychedelics that take you to these crazy peaks but just be aware that it can demotivate that practice in you and so you're gonna have to compensate for that somehow in your mind another danger is falling into chronic usage so my personal advice is not to use psychedelics more than once every two weeks have i broken that rule myself in the past yes i have i've done a period of 30 days straight at 5 amio dmt high doses that was a very crazy experience i have a whole episode about that you can go find it where i talk about that but that was done in a very deliberate almost scientific experiment like way just to see what actually happens see i like to experiment with my consciousness i do all sorts of weird experiments like that but for normal people i don't recommend something like that because if you start to use these psychedelics chronically what's going to happen is that they will they will erode your mind and your sense of reality and your life will turn upside down and you will stop being able to think straight and in fact that that did happen to me during my 30-day trial of experiment of 5 amio dmt by the end by the end of those 30 days i didn't even make it to 30 days i only did about 28 days um the last two days i didn't even need to take any more because i was constantly high i was just i had so much five meo dmt in my system that for the last two days it was like i was on 5mu dmt 247 without taking any and it was getting to the point where like it was really really interfering with my with my mind and my sense of reality in my life and so if i continued any further it would have started to become disaster so i stopped um and that was a good experiment for me to try because now i can i can teach from that wisdom that i gained but i would advise you not to do that in fact i recommend that you take long periods between trips to integrate even doing psychedelics twice a month really it's too much if you do that consistently you're not going to be able to integrate everything that they're revealing to you so be careful about that and if you start using it chronically what's going to happen is uh it's going to become a crutch and a sort of addiction and you're going to use it as an escape from actually doing the real manual labor that you need to do to develop yourself and grow yourself another trap that can happen in danger is the danger of misinterpreting various kinds of mystical visions that you can have on psychedelics so you're gonna have all sorts of different visions and insights will be revealed to you but the thing is is that you still have an ego maybe not at the peak but when you come back down the ego is still going to be there and the ego is going to try to make sense of all these crazy experiences you've had and i guarantee you it's going to corrupt them and it's going to try to co-opt them and to use them towards its own selfish purposes and here is where you run into the problem of zen devilry false notions of enlightenment a messiah complex you get a giant big head about all this you start to proclaim yourself to be god and you sort of tell everybody that you're god and how great you are and how powerful you are and now you think you have abilities to heal people and to change the world to awaken everybody and this can get very dangerous you might get the idea to build a cult you might get the idea that you can now that now you're qualified to teach people and then of course what you're going to be teaching them is some corrupt version of this of the truth and so just be very careful because your mind is very self-deceptive and it's especially self-deceptive when you come down from a high mystical experience and then these visions you have you can have all sorts of mystical visions but they don't necessarily mean what you think they mean at face value your mind can easily imagine and hallucinate all sorts of stuff maybe in you know you do some mushrooms a heroic dose of mushrooms and then you experience jesus coming to you because you're from a christian tradition so to you it's jesus jesus comes to you and jesus delivers a personal message to you that now you are the messenger of jesus here on earth and then you actually believe that and then you come back down from the trip and now you actually believe that you are the the disciple of christ who has been ordained to convert all the heathens to christianity or something like that you see the psychedelics they will exacerbate any kind of uh biases and um self-deceptions that you have going in your mind so it's very important that for you to gain the most out of psychedelics that you actually have a pure mind a mind that has inquired into itself outside of the psychedelic trip and has cleared and purged out various kinds of biases and egotisms and shadow sides and selfishness because if you don't if you have this dirty corrupt mind you have your mystical vision it's going to come back you're going to come back down and then you're going to reinterpret it and and then you're going to corrupt it with all the corruptions in your own mind it's going to all get corrupted all mixed together you won't be able to tell the truth from the from the mystical vision from the selfish personal needs you have and the egotisms and shadow sides that you have it's all going to mix together and then it's going to turn into this toxic mystical stew and then you're gonna go run around trying to infect everybody else with it and this is what i would call zen devilry it's also possible that you have sort of mystical vision or awakening even and then you come back down and now you think you fully understand reality when you don't you only saw one facet a small facet of the truth not the whole truth there's many facets i have an episode called the many facets of awakening go check that out there's at least a dozen or more facets to awakening and it usually takes you multiple trips over a period of months and years to assemble all the facets and to see the big picture one or two trips is not gonna be enough so it's easy to misinterpret some of these visions or insights or to think that you got it all figured out when actually you don't and so you do have to be very careful about that just be aware that you can certainly deceive yourself about awakening and mystical visions and you can misinterpret those and you can misinterpret them very badly so be aware of that the next danger is actually the pain of being disconnected from god as i call it so what will happen if you're doing psychedelics properly is that you will eventually reach a stage of god consciousness where you become conscious of god and these are going to be some of the most beautiful and profound experiences you've ever had in your life it will be the most important thing that's ever happened to you and it's going to be the most beautiful thing and then you're going to fall out of it you're going to lose it the next day and then you're going to wonder well how do i get it back and then god itself will become like the thing that you chase you will become intoxicated with god with the idea of becoming god or being one with god or the feeling of god's love and all this is so intoxicating this this infinite love is so intoxicating that it's gonna pain you just going through your everyday life being disconnected from this love and from god this could potentially get so bad you might even get suicidal because you might say to yourself well what's the point of living here in this material existence why do i have to go to my crappy job to my crafty family to my crappy wife with my crappy children and my crappy friends when i should be up there in heaven with god and then you might start having suicidal thoughts or you just might be dreaming about the next time you can do psychedelics it's like well okay i can't wait to come back home from my work and then do more psychedelics and you do that every day and then it becomes a becomes an addiction for you where you're using it as an escape from material existence and obligations and survival and it can it can just actually lower the quality of your life so counter-intuitively what's happened when i started doing using psychedelics is that i had the most profound mystical experiences some of the peaks of my life the best experiences of my life were on psychedelics but then when i was just going through my ordinary life i noticed that i was actually less happy than i used to be before psychedelics because before psychedelics my ordinary life that's all i knew and i was kind of living in this blissful ignorance once you actually realize infinite love and heaven and god but then you can't inhabit that 24 7 your ordinary life then seems very pale by comparison and so that's that's it's challenging to cope with that you have to sort of relearn to appreciate just the paleness of mundane existence because it's so pathetic compared to the peaks you can achieve on psychedelics so be careful with that it can lead to some kind of uh addiction if not a physical addiction because you can't really get physically addicted on psychedelics uh it can become a psychological addiction especially if your ordinary life kind of sucks and you got nothing going for you in ordinary life then i can definitely see how these psychedelic peaks they can become like a an escape and it becomes your sole purpose for living is just to escape into these psychedelic peaks and that is not going to be healthy or sustainable in the long term so be careful with that speaking of suicide that's the next danger psychedelics can make some people suicidal for various reasons maybe because you feel like you're losing your mind maybe because you feel like life is meaningless and you've fallen into some sort of nihilistic solipsistic funk maybe because you've misinterpreted one of these visions or insights or had an incomplete awakening maybe because you've had some sort of derealization and you're stuck in that uh or maybe because you want to merge and become one with god and you want to and you don't want to do that work at the material level so you just want to you want to quickly solve that through some sort of physical suicide so of course this would be very foolish uh i recommend that you don't do this i recommend that you don't harm your body at all i recommend that you don't even consider suicide as a possibility for yourself and of course if you're taking psychedelics and then you're noticing yourself having suicidal thoughts then the first thing you should do is you should completely discontinue psychedelics for at least three to six months don't do them at all reground yourself in ordinary life but of course psychedelics can have the opposite effect too for many suicidal people psychedelics can't actually be the cure because psychedelics can show you something beyond the material domain in which maybe your suicide is grounded in because if you're dissatisfied with the material domain which a lot of suicidal people are then what you're really looking for is you're looking for the spiritual domain but you don't know how to access it because you can't meditate you can't do yoga you can't self-inquire you know you don't have those skills built up so psychedelics can show you that higher domain they can show you love they can help you to deal with trauma a lot of suicide is is rooted in trauma they can help lift your depression they can show you the miracle of life of life the miracle of love of consciousness of god and so in this sense they can prevent suicide but they can also cause you it depends right it really depends on how you use it the next danger is the legal side of things so you have to be very careful with how you're using these substances because these substances are illegal in many parts of the world but not all parts it depends and it also depends which substances so you should familiarize yourself with the legal nuances of these substances you should know what the legal ramifications are for getting caught with them you should know which substances are legal and which are not legal in your area and this all requires research depends on where you live you should think carefully about how you're handling these substances how you're driving around with them how you're carrying them around what the policing situation is like um and you should take precautions around all that to make sure that you're as safe as possible and you also want to be very careful about supplying psychedelics to your friends because you see it's one thing to get caught with some weed or some mushrooms in your pocket that's one thing it's another thing to be caught in the act of supplying somebody else with psychedelics so there might be this tendency with as you start to use psychedelics you know you start to like them so much of course then you want to share it with all your friends and your family and then you start sending them psychedelics and you start inviting them over for psychedelics and this and that and then eventually what happens is that people start talking and you get caught and when they catch you in that situation they're not going to just try you for owning a little bit of psychedelics they're going to try you as a dealer and even if you try to deny it and say oh well but i wasn't dealing i was just like me and my friends were just like smoking a joint or just doing some mushrooms together me my girlfriend or something like no they're going to try you as a dealer and you do not want to be tried as a as a drug dealer so make sure you take precautions such that uh there could be no linkage between what you're doing and dealing it's very very important and uh make sure that you take responsibility for the legal consequences like do you understand what would happen if you get caught do you understand what the sentence terms are do you understand how many years in jail you could spend research that that will sober your mind to the realities of things because if you don't research that you might say oh well if i get caught i'll just get a few months in jail when the reality is you might get 10 years in jail and you didn't even know that you didn't even consider that so consider that but to consider that you have to do your research i don't know what country you live in and what substances you take it all depends and then by the way if you only want to do legal substances you can do that too you can find countries and cities and other locations and certain substances which are legal in those areas and you can do this whole thing legally strictly legally if you want to and then there's all sorts of different quasi-legal gray areas too that you can explore so it all depends on your risk tolerance i'm not your lawyer and i'm not telling you what you should or shouldn't do i'm just saying study this stuff so you know what you're getting into and then avoid the serious the most serious dangers another danger with psychedelics is simply taking the wrong substance make sure you know what substance you're taking don't take unknown substances sometimes i read people just like oh yeah i took something i don't know what it was this is this is crazy to me this is crazy you have to know what your substance is you have to know the source of where you got it from where it came from you have to know the dosage you have to be reasonably confident about the dosage being accurate don't be taking substances from people you don't know in random pill form you don't know what's in that pill you should know where your substance is coming from and it should be coming from a quasi-reliable source at the very least if not a reliable one the next danger is toxicity from impure substances again this very much depends on the source if you're getting your substance from a trusted source then this shouldn't be a problem but if you're getting it from random people in random places and you don't know what you're getting and you don't know whether you can trust this person you have no idea the impurities in the substance and certain substances can contain fairly high impurities especially things like mdma or lsd especially if you get it at a place like a rave or at a music festival those can be notoriously impure so be careful about that the next danger is there are certain kinds of psychedelics that can actually be physically damaging to your body these might include ketamine mdma n bones dxm nitrous oxide and certain others of course it depends how much you take them how frequently you take them but uh but all of these substances many of them that i listed here aren't really even considered classic psychedelics so what i would recommend for you is stick to the classic psychedelics that will not physically damage your body like dmt mescaline mushrooms lsd these will not physically damage your body and your brain in most cases for normal people but uh but something like mdma actually rewires permanently rewires your brain if you take it too much it can lead to various kinds of neurological damage ketamine can lead to damage of i believe the bladder or the kidneys if you take it too much and so can some of the other ones that i listed so be careful with those try to stick to the classic psychedelic because they're the safest they're the most field tested and proven then there are some substances that you shouldn't take at all really because they're dangerous like salvia and deterra personally i've taken salvia but i don't recommend you try it it screws with your motor control it creates very very chaotic trips and deterra is even worse so i warned you stay away from those i'm not saying don't take them so that you take them i'm actually saying don't take them so you don't take them another danger is potential bad interactions between psychedelics and medications especially the class of medications known as ssris which are frequent amongst depressed users people who are depressed so if you're on ssris don't combine that with psychedelics and if you're on other kinds of medications antipsychotic medications or whatever you have to seriously research whether there's going to be a conflict with the medication and the substance that you're taking potentially these conflicts and interactions can be lethal so be careful another related danger to that is mixing substances when you mix two or more chemical substances together they can have a synergistic effect both positive or negative and they can lead in directions that you couldn't anticipate so there have been reported deaths for example from people taking five meow dmt plus some sort of medication they were on or if you combine 5 amio dmt with a with a maui like you do without for ayahuasca that could potentially turn into a lethal combination and so when you're getting into these combinatorics of various medications and supplements and psychedelics and you're taking multiple psychedelics together this is where you're getting into dangerous territory so watch out i would recommend that you don't do that just stick to one chemical at a time so you clearly know what effect what is having on your mind because when you mix stuff together you won't know what's causing what the more variables you mix in there of course another danger of psychedelics is that uh you know as cliche as this is to say but they can be a gateway drug into recreational hard drugs like cocaine heroin meth crack and so forth it doesn't have to be that way but it can be that way because what's going to happen is the psychedelics will open your mind a lot and you will explore this realm psychedelics and you will try different kinds and then you'll say to yourself well all these psychedelics are not bad they're not hurting my body how bad can it be so so what if i let me go try some coke let me go try some heroin and then your heroine turns out to be laced with fentanyl and you kill yourself or you try some meth and the meth actually turns out to be ridiculously addictive unlike any psychedelics you've ever tried and so that line can get blurred so be careful especially because the sources that you're getting your psychedelics from can also be the same sources that might be offering you some of these recreational drugs so you have to draw a real hard line between the recreational stuff and the psychedelics and only stick to the psychedelics the next possible danger is chronic weed addiction so a lot of people like to combine psychedelics with weed and personally i've never done that but i hear it's a good combo it calms some people down takes the edge off some of the trips okay that's let's say that's fine sometimes the weed can actually make your trips more paranoid and it can actually synergize in a negative way and cause bad trips so keep that in mind it's going to depend on you depend on the kind of strain of weed you use whatever but also the other problem is that then weed can become a chronic addiction unlike psychedelics wheat is more used more chronically and it tends to be addictive so even if you're using your psychedelics only once a month but then you get into a habit of using weed all the time that's not going to be good for your development so i recommend you avoid the wheat entirely another potential danger is tripping in recreational areas like parties raves nightclubs bars tripping outdoors tripping in the woods where there are wild animals and other things you can crack your skull on so i recommend you don't do psychedelics at these large crowded events like music festivals parties raves this is uh if you do that often you're gonna run into problems i guarantee it best place to do psychedelics is just in a comfortable room with nobody around nobody to interfere with you the other danger is research chemicals so you might start to get into the psychedelics you might try some lsd some mushrooms then you decide to do some for eco dmt which is basically a synthetic form of mushrooms and other you know synthetic forms of lsd uh and so forth and then you get into the research chemical field which i've explored quite a bit but the danger there is that with research chemicals there's dozens of different kinds there's always new ones being released and then you might want to like experiment with the new ones but the more new they are the less people have validated them the less they've been field tested the more danger there is potentially that you're going to stumble upon something harmful and so you got to be careful with the research chemicals it's also possible that you might order some research chemicals and what they send you is they send you the wrong batch and then that can potentially be quite problematic the next danger is something called hppd which is hallucinogen persistent perception disorder and what this is is basically you do so much psychedelics at such high doses that the lingering psychedelic effects that has had on your visual field and your auditory field actually something actually gets rewired in your in your brain such that those lingering effects remain even long after the trip and they can last for months or years or a lifetime the most common symptoms here might be tinnitus which is ringing in the ears it's a very common one amongst folks so you can get sort of a persistent chronic ringing in the ears or you can get tracers or you can get other kinds of visual distortions like visual noise in your visual field and this can like i said this can last your entire lifetime this happens in a very small percentage of people but it does happen and i don't know if we're sure exactly what causes it is it because they did too high of a dose is it because of their genetics something else maybe they mixed it with medications we don't really know but um if you're concerned about that research it it's called hppd you can find plenty of case studies of it online on the forums on reddit and so forth uh personally i've never had it um but then again i'm very careful about my dosing and i don't use chronically i don't overuse so i think there might be a genetic component honestly as well because most people just don't get it and then some people do so just be aware of that risk there might be a one percent chance risk that you'll develop hppd especially if you do a lot or high doses and for some people they report that that's that's quite distressing and it interferes with their ability to enjoy normal life so just be aware that the next danger is with extracting synthesizing and dealing i've already mentioned a little bit about dealing but see you might get into psychedelics and then you might say to yourself well why am i buying them i can just grow my own mushrooms i can extract my own dmt i can maybe even synthesize my own lsd or what i don't know whatever lsd is not easy to synthesize but you might get some stupid idea like that and again you know once you start growing and extracting and synthesizing you're basically at that point running a drug lab and if they catch you they're not going to charge you as a user and they're not even going to charge you as a dealer they're going to charge you as a drug lab so again be extremely careful about that don't do anything reckless or stupid like that it's not worth it you don't want to be charged with you know 20 years in prison for extracting some some stupid couple of grams of dmt and they will easily charge you that way if they catch you so you've been warned the next danger is just various kinds of online scams shady dealers and the possibility that you'll just get your money stolen i've heard stories of people trying to buy stuff online from random websites and just not getting their product getting their money stolen they were total scams fake websites so be careful about that and the last danger i'll mention here is driving intoxicated make sure that if you're on a psychedelic you have a rule for yourself that you're not going to be driving getting into a car you know sometimes i read these trip reports and it just it baffles me how stupid and irresponsible people are where the the guy you know he's writing his trip report he's like yeah i took some lsd and then um you know i took a quick shower as it was coming on i took a quick shot you know i have 30 minutes i took a quick shower and then i got out of the shower i remembered oh i forgot to i forgot to buy some just some you know some um some some coke at the drugstore i don't mean cocaine i mean just coca-cola some cocaine at the at the local drugstore so let me go and and get my my my daily coca-cola and so he gets in the car and drives while he's you know taking the lsd already and he's driving to get his his coca-cola and then of course the lsd comes on and then you know he can't even see straight while he's in his car like something stupid like this once you've taken the psychedelic sit the down pay attention contemplate don't be thinking about anything else focus on your trip don't be running anywhere don't be going anywhere don't be going for a walk don't be driving anywhere and then sit through it until it's all virtually gone and then you can use your car again all right that's it those are pretty much all the biggest dangers that i could think of maybe there's a few more that i'm forgetting but that's mostly what you got to know now here's the thing you also got to know is that i was only focusing on the worst of the worst parts here so again this list might sound very bad and you might say leo oh my god there's all these dangers and problems i would never do psychedelics now considering all this but consider this that the majority of these dangers can be very easily avoided if you're responsible thoughtful mindful and careful i've given you very quick solutions to many of these problems now can you avoid all of them no you can't avoid all of them and if you're a very very risk-averse person then psychedelics are simply not for you but also don't forget that all of life is risk and much of life has many bad potential outcomes if i did a list like this of all the bad risks and problems and dangers of driving or sex or business or relationships you would never want to drive have sex do business or be in a relationship ever in your life i mean there are some serious dangers with driving there are serious dangers with sex there are serious dangers in business you can get sued your business partners can scam you your products can kill people and then you feel guilty and responsible for that morally and legally with sex you can catch an std you can get somebody pregnant you might have to pay alimony for the rest of your life or the guy might impregnate you and then run off and then you're stuck with the baby for the rest of your life you think relationships are all safe no there's there's many dangers in relationships your partner can cheat on you can infect you with an std can steal all your money and run away can hurt you emotionally in many ways can rape you can abuse you can hit you can potentially brainwash you can psychologically manipulate you gaslight you could even kill you there's no insurance that your partner won't kill you in the middle of your sleep it happens suicidal partners oftentimes end up harming their spouse or their girlfriend or their boyfriend or their children it happens so there's risks life is all about risk it's about managing the risk though right it's about taking reasonable precautions you don't want to be paranoid over this stuff but you do also want to be careful you don't want to pretend like you're invincible you're not invincible and i guess that's one of the other dangers of psychedelics is that you start to do them and you might start to feel like you're invincible because you might start to say well but i'm god and god is immortal and invincible well yeah god is immortal and invincible but not your human life there are consequences in the relative material domain so watch out so let me now quickly run down a list of the top mistakes that psychedelic users make these are the top ones number one is treating psychedelics like toys not taking them seriously enough number two is simply just being immature about the whole process and being immature themselves which is why i would recommend that if you're immature don't do psychedelics at all you're gonna screw it up maturity is one of the most important factors number three is just doing large doses and not measuring them accurately this is such a huge mistake number four is frequent and chronic usage of psychedelics number five is tripping in dangerous areas with friends in social environments there's a lot of noise and distraction number six is moving around too much running around not sitting still not contemplating i read trip reports of people who take some mushrooms in the middle of the trip they strip off all their clothes then run down the street naked screaming this kind of stupidity will get you into trouble this is what i mean by immaturity if you can't control yourself don't trip sometimes people tell me well leo but on a psychedelic trip i'm supposed to be free i just want to let myself go yeah but you can't let yourself go so much that you jump off a balcony you can't let yourself go so much that you strip off all your clothes and then you jump through your neighbor's window into their living room if you can't control yourself from doing those things if that's too much to ask of you then don't trip the next top mistake is mental illness people with mental illness who are immature and mentally unstable they get into psychedelics and then they spiral out of control and their mental illness just gets worse and then they just keep doing it more the next top mistake is zendelry go see my episode called becoming a zen devil that explains how that works and the next couple of mistakes are not enough theoretical foundation which is all the stuff that i teach with the metaphysics the epistemics the spiritual theory the non-dual theory the consciousness work and then the next mistake is not doing the manual labor of personally developing yourself and of spiritual growth assuming that the psychedelic will handle everything for you you don't need to meditate you don't need to contemplate anything you don't need to read any books anymore you don't got to do any practices anymore you don't want to watch any videos anymore you just fly by the seat of your pants and you just do psychedelics this is gonna be a disaster and the final mistake and this one's very counterintuitive you know what the final one is it's actually when you do a few trips and you tell yourself ah okay i got it i got the message now i'm hanging up the phone i understand what psychedelics are that is the final mistake if you've only done five or ten trips or even 20 trips you have no clue what psychedelics are no clue you're just a baby it's like you're in first grade you know nothing about the world yet from 20 trips it requires about a hundred trips just to start to get your bearings on what psychedelics are and how they work and their potential for spiritual growth i see a lot of people fooling themselves telling me oh yeah i've done psychedelics i know what they're all about and they've only done five trips this is laughable it's totally laughable so don't fall into that mistake but of course you have to spread your trips out i am not saying that you got to do a bunch of trips back to back treat this process as a long-term process it's going to be a multi-year-long process of you exploring this territory through dozens and ultimately hundreds of trips and precisely because you're spreading it out and there's going to be so much work here you got to be very careful and methodical about it and follow the protocol because the more you do something that's dangerous the more risk is incurred so the more you're going to do it the more careful you have to be makes sense all right that's it i'm done here now you are aware of all the dangers of psychedelics contemplate them take them seriously and decide for yourself whether this is something that you want to get involved with i am not trying to convince you to do psychedelics that's a decision you're going to make all by yourself i just want to honestly outline their dangers and i also want to talk about all their amazing potential benefits which i've talked about in the past and i'll talk more about in the future as well and so now we're going to have a balanced perspective on these things all right so please remember to click that like button for me and come check out that's my website here you will find my book list you will find my life purpose course you will find my blog you will find my forum you can support me at actualized you can also find my second actualized channel called actualized clips with shorter videos and the last thing i want to say is that in the future i actually want to emphasize more the importance of psychedelics in this work because what i see is i see a lot of people who follow my work who are lost and confused about these metaphysical and epistemic subjects that i talk about the most and they just get lost in mental masturbation theorizing about god endlessly and about solipsism and about this and about that and it just leads absolutely nowhere so it's very important that if you're following my work that you actually do the work doing the work can be done through meditation through yoga through self-inquiry through psychedelics or other means but honestly and i'm just being honest here from my direct experience and i've experimented with all these different techniques what i find is that psychedelics are the most direct and they will give you the deepest and clearest understanding of what reality is if that's what you want to understand and it is very important i feel to understand that even if you don't get a permanent enlightenment forget about that just to understand what reality is to know the truth to know what god is to know what love is to know what truth is to know what consciousness is just to have these answers is enormously beneficial even if you don't get a permanent enlightenment it's enormously beneficial to directly experience these things for yourself and psychedelics are the only way many people will ever experience it because most people simply aren't devoted enough committed enough to meditate for 10 years to get there or to do intense 10-day retreats or they're just not spiritually gifted enough to do it a lot of people are spiritually gifted but then they assume everybody else is too but they're not so how do we deliver these understandings to those who are not so spiritually gifted so in the future i will be emphasizing psychedelics more i know that's controversial and people criticize me for that but that's why i wanted to release this episode here so that we are doing this in a responsible way and again when i say emphasize psychedelics more i'm not pushing psychedelics on you you don't have to do them everything i teach everything that's true god love consciousness truth and all the other stuff all the epistemic stuff all of that is true independent of psychedelics it doesn't matter whether you do them or don't it's still going to be true you can still access all the same truths without psychedelics but if there is a direct way if there is a fast easy way why not use it because i know that many of you will simply never understand this stuff without it i know personally and the reason i know that is because honestly the level of understanding that i have now of reality would absolutely for sure i guarantee would not be possible without my use of psychedelics it would not be possible not at this depth i could understand bits and pieces of it but not as at this level of depth and and if not for that if not for the psychedelics and the clarity they gave me then honestly the things i would be teaching you now would be so shallow and distorted and corrupted that it would really be a disservice to all of you and so that's the place that i'm coming from is that i know that if that happened to me i can i can only it's it's scary to imagine uh the situation that many of you are in and one of the saddest things is that there are these amazing tools that can help you to figure out and understand what you are what reality is what life is how to live a good life how to do spiritual work properly there are these tools that can reveal this to you quickly effortlessly um directly and yet these tools are being misused they're being demonized or being stigmatized and they're not being taken full advantage of and this situation simply cannot hold as a society we cannot afford to have these amazing tools so abused and underused this is not going to hold so the only way forward that i see is that we need to build a responsible path towards psychedelic use and it cannot merely be a clinical path it cannot just be that psychedelics in the future are used only to cure ptsd and depression it must be that there is a path towards the highest metaphysical understanding towards the highest spiritual realizations to the highest stages of human development there must be that path with psychedelics and someone has to pioneer that path there are others out there who are pioneering that path i'm not the only one but i feel it's my responsibility since i have this information and knowledge and platform is to help establish that path especially because a lot of people on this path or in this field rather i should say do it rather irresponsibly or they do it in a sort of a limited way where again they're using it they're not using it to reach the highest metaphysical understanding they're using it to justify their little you know shamanic practice or their you know ayahuasca world view mother ayahuasca something like that but what i'm talking about is actually like a non-dual path through psychedelics that doesn't mean it excludes other practices my version of this path includes those other practices but it just adds this extra dimension of psychedelics on top of it and to me that's sort of the best of both worlds and to me that's how i see spirituality being done in the future but someone has to invent that and more than just invent it because i'm not saying i'm the first person who's like done this not at all many people have come before me and i'm in a sense i'm standing on the shoulders of giants you know terence mckenna and um james auroch you know he popularized five admin team martin ball uh uh there there are many influential people in the psychedelic community uh you know alexander shulgin so they all deserve their credit but it's not just about inventing it or being the first it's also about popularizing it because really what we're talking about here is changing culture changing how society at large views these things and it's also about using it to really truly go towards direct non-duality which like wasn't the case for example with terence mckenna as as amazing as some of the terence mckenna literature is and some of his quotes and some of his sayings you know he's sort of idolized in the psychedelic community um that's all great but the bottom line is that he didn't really understand nonduality he didn't really teach non-dual he didn't connect the psychedelics with the non-duality um and a lot of people who who do psychedelics or teach psychedelics they don't really connect it to the to the highest purest metaphysical understanding they don't connect with epistemology they might not connect it with developmental psychology and other things like this and so i feel like i'm in a position where i can do that or at least to play a role in that and so that's the role that i'm playing and it is very important to me to make sure that any of you who are going to be following that path i'm going to expect you to be ridiculously responsible about how you're doing that and if i see that any of you are doing this in an irresponsible manner with a bunch of zen devilry and abuse and misuse and harm to self and to others and crazy antics and other things like this um i'm going to denounce you and i'm going to have i'm going to refuse to have anything to do with you i'm going to kick you off the forum i'm going to i'm going to boot you from my comment section because i'm not going to tolerate that because there's a larger gain that we're playing here and your zen devilry is not going to fly right so just be responsible be conscious and in the future i'm excited to share some of my um amazing discoveries in this field i have not shared everything yet that i've discovered there's a lot of amazing stuff here so stay tuned for that you